Stages Key Stage 3 | Learning | Raffles International School | Dubai, U.A.E

Key Stage 3


Students in KS3 (Years 7-9) have subject specific teachers for their academic classes and benefit from form tutor sessions every morning. Form tutors fulfil a mentoring, wellbeing and pastoral role as well as being the initial school point of contact for secondary parents.

We understand and value the importance of a smooth transition from primary to secondary education and support our students socially, emotionally and academically during our exciting transition programme and beyond. Our enriching curriculum in KS3 enables students to continue to study a broad range of subjects whilst delving deeper into the knowledge, skills and understanding that will be required as they progress towards their examination stages in KS4 and KS5.

Students meet their form tutor each morning before starting the school day and, for most subjects, stay together as a form group as they go to the different subject rooms. In Years 7-9, students follow a broad, balanced curriculum.

Subjects Include:
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Science
  • PE
  • Art
  • Humanities (History, Geography and Social Studies)
  • ICT
  • Drama
  • Music
  • STEM
  • French or Mandarin or Mother Tongue,Arabic, Islamic for Muslim students

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