Stages FS1 & FS2 | Learning | Raffles International School | Dubai, U.A.E

FS1 & FS2

fs1 & fs2

Excellent environment with great teaching and learning!     


At RIS we offer a wrap around nursery and school experience with highly qualified staff and outstanding facilities all on one campus with consistency from birth to Year 13. We are uniquely placed to provide this experience to our families and we welcome children from all over the world into our international community. Come for a tour and meet the team!

Children graduating from RIS Nursery move into FS1 at RIS and the transition is seamless as children are on the same campus and we have an extensive induction programme in place to support our youngest students’ journey into ‘big school’. In FS1 children learn through the UK EYFS curriculum which is holistic and age related. The focus of the EYFS curriculum in FS1 is predominantly personal, social and emotional development, communication and language skills and physical development, including fine motor practice to ensure little fingers are ready to pick up a pencil and write. Children in FS1 also start our UK Letters and Sounds phonics programme in which they learn listening and sound discrimination key skills and linking letters to their associated sound.

In FS2 children are taught to write simple sentences and how to read through our phonics programme so at the end of their FS2 year children can independently read and write phonetically. In FS2 children are using numbers up to 20 confidently, can talk about the world they live in and know that there are different environments in the world. Imaginative play and role playing their own narrative are also an important part of the FS2 learning journey and children are encouraged to independently problem solve and critically reflect on their activity. The EYFS curriculum at RIS is designed to promote ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ through children’s independence and autonomy. We have outstanding outdoor facilities and we inspire children to continue learning whilst investigating and exploring outside.

Our curriculum covers every aspect of a child’s development and is characterised in 7 areas of the curriculum:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy (including phonics)
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Art and Design

Raffles International School FS1 Age Related Expectations

Raffles International School FS2 Age Related Expectations

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